Understanding your teenager’s learn to drive journey

Learning to drive is an exciting and liberating time in every teenager’s life however as parents, we want to ensure our teenagers are completely prepared before they take to the road on their own.
The following Parent Plates program has been designed to empower you and your teenager on this journey. After progressing through the following videos, you will be well equipped to guide your teenager through learning how to drive a car, safely and effectively.

Part 1: Planning ahead

Preparing your teen now ensures they’ll become a safe and competent driver. During this video we’ll cover some important first steps that should be considered before your teenager starts on their journey to getting their driver licence. 

1. Tapping into your teenager’s curiosity
2. Being a role model
3. Deciding the best method of teaching
4. Choosing the type of vehicle to learn in
5. Understanding vehicle safety ratings
6. Car insurance for learners

 Video 1

Part 2: Prep L and the Graduated Licensing System

The Graduated Licensing System (GLS) was introduced in Queensland in 2007, but there have been many changes to the process since then. We’ll cover the steps for getting a driver licence in Queensland.

1. Prep L explained
2. The Graduated Licencing System (GLS) explained
3. The minimum 100 hours
4. Preparing for the role of supervisor

Video 2

Part 3: Practical experience and the provisional licence

The supervisor’s job is to create a supportive learning environment that encourages our learners to discover for themselves the driving skills they require. We’ll take a look at the role driving schools can play in helping your teenager get their driver licence, and show how to structure a meaningful lesson each time you head out with your teenager on a supervised drive.

1. Choosing a driving school
2. Keys2Drive explained
3. The Three Ts
4. The provisional driver licence (P1 & P2)

Video 3

Part 4: Surviving the crash spike

Your teenager is about to enter the riskiest period of their life. We’ll discuss why this is, and what we can do to not only encourage our teenagers to be a safe driver while learning, but to also remain a safe driver for life.

1. The statistics
2. Three contributing factors
3. Brain development
4. Practical steps to keeping our young drivers safe

Video 4