What you should tell us and why

When you become a member with RACQ and take out, renew, extend, or vary your insurance policy, it is important that you understand you are answering our questions for yourself and anyone else whom you want to be covered by the policy.

You should always give us complete and honest answers to all the questions we ask you, by answering questions about yourself and other named policyholders to the best of your knowledge.

If you breach your duty to us, we may be entitled to refuse to pay your claim, reduce the amount payable for a claim, or cancel your policy. If your breach is fraudulent, we can also cancel the policy from the beginning.

We will use the answers in deciding whether to insure you and, if so, on what terms.

Changes to your circumstances

During the term of your contract of insurance, we ask that you inform us of any changes to the details on your Certificate of Insurance. Any changes may affect the premium and excesses applied to your policy.

Why has the Duty of Disclosure changed to General Conditions?

Following the Financial Services Royal Commission, RACQ has moved from relying on the Duty of Disclosure, to a more relevant and modern approach to disclosure – a duty to take reasonable care not to make a misrepresentation. A key aim of this new duty is to adequately protect consumers against having their claims denied where they may have inadvertently failed to disclose past circumstances or because an insurer failed to ask the right questions. This means that we have made changes to the questions we ask before you enter into an insurance policy with us. Your responsibility under this new duty will be limited to responding to specific questions that we ask you, including that you confirm or update your information at each renewal or policy variation.

If you do not understand

If you do not understand your responsibilities, please contact us on 13 1905 or see our Insurance FAQs for more information.

For policies starting or renewing on or after 21 September 2021, the General Conditions requirements will apply.

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