Keep your home safe while you're away

Your Place
Tips to ensure you don’t arrive home to any unwanted surprises.
Woman setting code on a security alarm.
When planning a getaway you should also consider home security. Follow the 10 tips below and make sure you don’t return home from your holiday to an unwanted surprise.

Lock everything 

It’s essential to lock your home every time you leave the house, but even more important when you’re away for an extended period. Remember to go around your home the week before and make sure all your windows, doors and locks are working properly. 

Keys in the front door.

Check the mail and rubbish

Nothing says a home is empty like an overflowing mailbox or bins left out too long. Organise with a neighbour, family or friends for someone to come by and collect your mail regularly and bring your bins in. This will give the illusion someone is home. 

Letters in a letter box.

Signs of life

Leave a set of keys with a trusted neighbour, friend or family member and have them go inside your home and park their car in the driveway to maintain appearances.

Indoor activity

If you don’t have anybody who can come by your home or want an extra level of protection, set up timers to promote indoor activity. You can put lamps, lights, radios and TVs on timers to make your house look lived in. If you do this, make sure people cannot see an empty room through the windows.

Lamp on in the living room.

Security system  

Invest in a security or camera system for that extra peace of mind while you’re away. The best deterrent to many thieves is a high-tech security system or a dog. Depending on your level of home security, you may also be eligible for a Home and Contents Insurance discount. 

Security alarm.

Let there be light 

Set up a range of motion sensor lights around the exterior of your property to keep any unwanted visitors in the spotlight. 

Outdoor lighting.

Pay your bills

Remember to pay your bills before you leave or set up a direct debit. You don’t want your electricity to be cut, rendering your home alarm, motion lights and indoor activity systems useless.

Be careful what you put on social media

While it may be fun to show the great time you’re having on holiday. Opportune thieves may use this information against you. 

Stop sign over mobile phone.

Clean out your fridge

While it won’t stop a burglary, there is nothing worse than coming home to a foul odour from rotten food stinking out your home. 

Cleaning out the fridge.

Turn the water supply off

Nobody wants to come home to a house that has been flooded due to a burst pipe or hose. Over the past three years, almost 10,000 claims have been lodged with RACQ for water-damaged homes as a result of faulty flexi hoses. 

Enjoy the security that Queensland’s Largest Club offers with RACQ Home and Contents Insurance. And, remember to call a professional plumber to install and service your hoses to ensure your home is safe.

Insurance products issued by RACQ Insurance Limited ABN 50 009 704 152. Conditions, limits and exclusions apply. This is general advice only and may not be right for you. This information does not take your personal objectives, circumstances or needs into account. Read the PDS and applicable SPDS before making a decision. Ask us for a copy.

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Things to note

The information in this article has been prepared for general information purposes only and is not intended as legal advice or specific advice to any particular person. Any advice contained in the document is general advice, not intended as legal advice or professional advice and does not take into account any person’s particular circumstances. Before acting on anything based on this advice you should consider its appropriateness to you, having regard to your objectives and needs.