Comments on: Salvador Dali’s Pet Ocelot Fashion, Beauty and Culture. Thu, 09 Feb 2023 20:41:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: JFC Thu, 09 Feb 2023 20:41:39 +0000 Dali had two Ocelots named “Babou” and “Bouba”. They traveled with him to New York on the SS FRANCE. and stayed with him in his Suite at the St. Regis Hotel.
Bouba was a little larger than Bouba and once took a delicious (haha) bite from a guest’s earlobe.

By: Salvador Dali Makeup and Perfume | Sudden Chic Tue, 13 Oct 2020 18:51:17 +0000 […] may know Salvador Dali as an artist, surrealist, film maker and eccentric, but did you know Dali also dabbled in perfume and makeup? As fantasy-drenched as his atmospheric […]

By: Remembering Salvador Dali's Iconic Hats | Sudden Chic Tue, 14 Jul 2020 01:37:15 +0000 […] like the exotic pet the author often totted around, extreme hats and headwear seemed to be just as much as a staple in […]

By: Remembering Veruschka | Sudden Chic Tue, 19 May 2020 14:46:10 +0000 […] Vera Gräfin von Lehndorff-Steinort (born in East Prussia 1939) was a popular model, artist, and actress known as Veruschka. The height to the Veruschka obsession occurred in the 1960s. You haven’t seen models as art until you’ve seen Veruschka. She slyly blends in with colorful backgrounds, disguises herself as animals, and so on. Often she wears nothing but body paint; a trend that’s been going more mainstream in the modeling world since the ’70s – she was the first person to do that. She even worked with Salvador Dali once. […]
