Peggy Guggenheim’s Butterfly Sunglasses

Sunglasses will always have a dual purpose of disguising and revealing; both at once. To be incognito or to be rather the opposite? That is the question. There are those who choose to wear their kooky cat eyed sunglasses proudly, and there are those who choose to wear their basic sunglasses as a mask, wherever they go. Indoors or outdoors, walking the streets or riding the subway… Curiously using them as a secret weapon to peer out at the outside world from behind their shield. Sunglasses really are funny things.

Peggy Guggenheim (1898 – 1979) was a American art collector and friend to the surrealists who chose to wear her butterfly sunglasses like a badge of honor. Designed by Edward Melcarth, her butterfly style glasses were a work of art–a vision of power; inspiring, shocking, and leaving others in complete awe. Most of these photos of her were taken around the late ’60s.

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